Reiki Classes and Certifications

You might not believe it, but you already have the ability to heal yourself – and you actually do it every day! 

Taking a course in Reiki for Self-Care will give you a “tune up” and the confidence you need to take your healing into your own hands. Reiki I is designed to help you access and fine tune your own innate self-healing abilities, and will help you to support your own physical and emotional wellbeing. 

If you enjoy the results of your first course, sign up to learn Reiki for Friends and Family (Reiki II), and find out how satisfying it can be to support the people you care about in this very special way!

Courses are only 8 hours of laid-back class time, with a little practice in between! We are currently offering each reiki class as a 4-week class. Each class session is 2 hours long, with a short break in the middle. We’ll spend some time connecting with each other, learn some of the history of reiki, and practice getting into a good state of flow (as a group, and as individuals). We’ll also check in as go, to see what you are noticing as you develop reiki as a tool for your own healing processes. 

You will be amazed at how easy it is for you to work your magic. Reiki classes are available in Spanish and English.

Sign up for classes with:

Marakah Mancini de León