Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is designed to help you heal trauma and flourish, by learning how your nervous system and your body work together to keep you safe, the adaptations they have made over time, and which of these adaptations may no longer be necessary. In this body-centered approach, we will work with both positive and negative experiences, starting with the “little” stuff, to help you build your awareness and your ability to recognize and regulate your responses. 

We will gradually build your resources and capacity to tolerate difficult situations, sensations and emotions. We also work with pendulation, where you will learn to shift your attention back and forth between traumatic memories or sensations, and neutral or positive somatic experiences. The pendulation process helps prevent overwhelm, and supports you to process trauma gradually. 

Working with a skillful practitioner, SE can also support you to complete instinctual survival responses that may have been thwarted in the past, giving rise to the trauma that’s been trapped in your system. Survival responses such as fight, flight or freeze may have been interrupted and remain unresolved after a traumatic event or period of time. We strive to do this in a safe, regulated, and titrated way. 

The ultimate goal of SE is to support you to integrate the fragmented aspects of the self that were impacted by trauma, allowing for a sense of wholeness and flow to emerge. 

Some Somatic Experiencing practitioners choose to incorporate gentle therapeutic touch into their work. When conditions allow this element of the modality to be woven into sessions, it can be powerful, in a very subtle way. Therapeutic touch can sometimes speed the release of trauma that’s been trapped in your tissues. 

Book directly with:

Marakah Mancini de León

Stephanie Strauss

Jennie Tian